Hungarian Horse Association of America

Hungarian Horse Registry Divisions and Breed Characteristics
The Hungarian Horse Association's description of the ideal Hungarian Horse includes exceptional intelligence, athletic prowess, and unusual heart and courage.
General Hungarian Breed Characteristics
* Exceptional intelligence (sometimes in overabundance)
* Athletic prowess emphasizing speed, agility and balance
* Unusual heart and courage
* Loyalty and dedication to a working partnership
* A strong sense of justice
* An extremely rugged and durable constitution
* A substantial heart girth
* Ribs which are well sprung
* Well-muscled over the loins
* Legs characterized by large joints
* Good, flat bone of considerable density
* Heads and bodies characterized by good definition
* Wide heads which carry intelligent looking eyes
NEW 2021 - Updated Breeders Guidelines (click here)
The Official HHAA Registry Consists of Four Books (Divisions)
Hungarian Felver Book:
shall consist of horses with a five generation pedigree consisting entirely of Felver, Thoroughbred, Arabian, and/or Shagya blood. The approved outcross use of Thoroughbred, Arabian, Shagya or a combination thereof must be registered with a recognized association registry. DNA testing may be required. Either the sire or the dam must be a registered Hungarian Felver with the Hungarian Horse Association of America. To remain in the Felver Book, breeders must cross back to a registered HHAA Felver every third generation. The Felver book preserves the original purpose of the Association, which is to preserve the bloodlines of the horses according to pre- World War II Kisber State Stud standards. The names of all registered Felvers will be preceded by “Hungarian” or “H” as in Hungarian Big John or H Big John.
Hungarian Sportlo (Sport Horse) Book:
will consist of HHAA Felvers outcrossed with European Approved Warmbloods approved for breeding by their respective registry. There must be a minimum of 25% Felver blood in the foal. For the purposes of calculating the percentage of Felver blood in a Sportlo pedigree, registered Thoroughbreds may be counted as Felver in such cases. The name of all registered Sportlos will be preceded by “HS” as in HS Wistar.
Hungarian Fajta (Part-bred) Book:
shall record any offspring of a Felver or Sportlo HHAA registered horse to any other horse that is not eligible to be included in the Felver or Sportlo book. The names of all registered Fajtas will be preceded by “HPB” as in HPB Flicka.
Hungarian Riding Pony Book:
shall record the development of pony foundation stock with the use of horses approved for HHAA Felver breeding crossed with HHAA acceptable pony breeds to produce Hungarian Riding Ponies. The Hungarian Riding Pony book was born in 2006. The names of all registered Hungarian Riding Ponies will be preceded by or “HRP” as in HRP Princess of Hearts. See the HRP rules and proposal here.